Happy Thursday!!!✨ #RandomThought?? Can you believe we are 12 days into the New Year?!! I’ll be honest when I say these 2 weeks have held a few challenges for me. We have entered a new year filled with new challenges, new joys, new lessons, new hurdles to overcome BUT a new year filled with new mercies and grace which is sufficient for whatever we may face! This morning I found myself singing “‘Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home.” Through many dangers, toils, and snares- By God’s Grace ☺?- I have already come. By the shed blood of Jesus Christ, who is ALL-SUFFICIENT, I have been redeemed( 1 Peter 2:24-25 ) and for whatever lies ahead HE is right there besides me( Ps 73:23 ), providing new mercies ( Lam 3:21-24 ), and GRACE that is sufficient! Because of CHRIST our Lord and His promises we can “rejoice in time to come.”( Prov 31:25 ) ☺ Thanking the Lord for His mercies and grace today!! What are you thankful for?? ?✨
Comment section will be open for this post soooo bless us by LEAVING A COMMENT below letting me know what you are giving thanks for today!
Wearing my Stretch Cecily HeadWrap in Rustic Green!! !
Thankful for His mercies!!!
Yes!! <3 The LORD taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy.-Ps 147:11
Amen! How wonderful to know we can walk into this new year with confidence because HE is by our side, His grace IS sufficient, and He is our Savior! :)
A thankfulness highlight for me today is ‘vision’. I’m so grateful that my ‘final destination’ is heaven and that I have the chance to live today with that perspective on my daily choices.
Lovely Melanie!! :) Reminds me of Hebrews 13:14, “For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.”