Simple Sweetness!

Can’t tell you how blessed I am to be a part of a big family. Always a little one around to put a smile on your face! :) Yesterday our little sister chose a Garlands of Grace Heirloom Lace headband paired with a floral skirt and mismatched polka dotted socks for a perfect Thursday outfit! Couldn’t help but smile when I saw her come to the breakfast table in this perky outfit and I have now dubbed her “Little Miss Eclectic”. ;) On top of all that cuteness, another little sister request we post her Barbie for the “How we wear them” headcovering of the day post. :D Custom made lace Cecily headwrap plus a handmade outfit from Garlands of Grace scraps. Looks as if Barbie has taken up headcovering! ;)  How do you wear your Garlands of Grace products? Send in your photos, we love seeing and sharing. Happy Friday! ♥




But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.
1 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭4‬

modest fashion, garlands of grace, blog, headcoverings, christian, 1 corinthians 11,