Happy Monday! || QUESTION

“The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.”
Psalms 138:8

✨It’s Monday!! ✨🙌🏻 Started the day out in the Word and was completely renewed by His Truth and the promises found within!! It prepared me for the busy day! If you don’t already, I can’t encourage you enough to make a goal of starting your day off in His Living Word. Before you set eyes on your phone notifications or jump into the day’s work or even before your feet even touch the ground(if possible-I know many mom’s have their feet touching the ground all night and morning to care for their precious little ones), nourish your soul and renew it in the Word of God! I love how Jeremiah 15:16 puts it, “Thy Words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts.” 💗

An extremely simple and practical tip I’ve found helps me prioritize my Bible reading is using an actual physical Bible when doing my morning and evening reading. the Bible apps are great tools and come in handy but believe me… the detraction of notifications is real(can I hear a few amens?!😉) I will keep my main bible on my nightstand next to my bed so it’s ready to greet me when I wake up. Ok, back to work here!

QUESTION: I would love to hear what books of the Bible you are enjoying today and leave some helpful tips on getting His Word in first thing in the morning!! Drop a comment in the comment section below!👇🏻👇🏻

“But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4

13 thoughts on “Happy Monday! || QUESTION

  1. Oh! Love this post. What a great reminder to be in the Word! I always just make sure I get that morning reading in before I allow myself to even eat breakfast. Spiritual Nourishment first! ;) Have a great Monday and thank you for this post!

  2. Great topic, Rachel! :)

    I start off in the morning by reading Charles Spurgeon’s ‘Morning & Evening’, which deepens my reading of certain Bible verses.
    After that I read the page for that day of Jonathan Cahn’s ‘The Book of Mysteries’, which I can also recommend for more insight in Biblical topics and our walk with God!

    Then I turn to my Bible… Usually some four or five chapters a day. This is the best time of the day and leaves me with more energy, peace, clarity and joy. What a blessing to be able to study God’s Word every day!
    It takes up quite some time of my day, but I would never want to miss it.

    May God bless you all!
    From France,

  3. Thank you for this encouraging post! I started reading through 2 chapters in the old and 2 in the new everyday. I’ll get through the whole Bible and twice through Psalms and Proverbs this year with that plan. It’s been great and reading Sarah and Rachel’s struggle with wanting children. I need to lean on that now for comfort. Rachel said “give me children or I die” I do identify with her. Prayers for my husband and I appreciated.

    1. Thank you for commenting, Catherine! I love your reading plan. That is wonderful! I think we must be in the same section of Genesis. I was reading that chapter regarding Rachel just the other day. I am praying for you, Catherine! Continue to cry out to the Lord and wait patiently on Him. He truly is faithful to satisfy the longing soul(Psalm 107:9). He knows your deepest heartfelt desires and hears our prayers! “Therefore I will look unto the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me.” Micah 7:7

  4. Hello everyone!
    I read the chapter we are reading in family worship before the family wakes so I am ready for a good study. In the morning we are reading 2 Chronicles and in the evening, Revelation currently. We sing the psalms, so I read the psalm we are singing that morning, too, to get a prayer of David in my heart.
    What book isn’t wonderful first thing in the morning!!!

    1. So good to hear from you, Frankie! 😊❤️ I love your idea of reading the chapters the family is going through before in order to be ready for the group study!! That is really a fantastic idea. Amen, you can’t go wrong starting your day in any book found in God’s Word!

  5. Every morning I start my day with a little prayer to Him alone in the silent kitchen. (What a great feeling every morning!) Just to thank him for my family and the beginning of the new day!

    Having the first cup of coffee with the first Part of my bible plan (actually Nehemia & Acts) seems also great! In the evening I read the second part of my plan and make notes.

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