“Hello!! My Garlands of Grace Collection is growing and I would love to know how you store your headwraps!! Any storage tips would be fabulous.” Customer Darla J.
Great ways to store Garlands of Grace headwraps for best organization is a question we receive often here at GarlandsOfGrace.com!! We have some super creative customers and I have seen some wonderful Headcoveirng storage ideas. Today I am going to share my 2 favorite ways to store my Garlands of Grace hairwraps! Both my preferred headwrap storage options prevent wrinkling, prolong the lifespan of your wrap, and make finding a wrap to start your day easy!
1.) Stackable Clear Shoe Box Tupperware! The storage I use most often is the Stackable Clear Shoe Box Tupperware. Easily sort your Garlands Of Grace wraps and headcoverings into styles if preferred. These storage boxes conveniently stack on a shelf in my closet or in a dresser drawer!
2.) Velvet Scarf Hanger with Hooks! Twists, Rosettes, Specialty lace, and any other Garlands of Grace Headwrap, the Velvet Scarf Hangers are fabulous! Grippy Velvet, Hooks, Loops are huge perks. Easily hangs in your closet or on the back of your bathroom door for convenient storage or quick access!
“Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all.”
1 Chron 29:11